Benefits of Inspire Sleep Therapy

The Benefits of Inspire Sleep Therapy

is a radical remedy against obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Unlike traditional continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, the Inspire Sleep device works inside
your body—providing a more convenient and effective solution for those battling OSA. The next pertinent question
would be, “Where is Inspire implanted?” We are here to answer that
and more.

With the FDA green light, Inspire Sleep Therapy is ready to
address the root cause of sleep apnea – stimulating the airway muscles. This device, implanted in your body,
gives customized stimulation based on your distinct respiring rhythms. Let’s delve into this ground-breaking
treatment method and how it can better your sleeping patterns and overall quality of life.

Inspire Sleep for Sleep Apnea – Things to Consider

Thinking about Inspire Sleep Therapy? Here are some vital
facts to bear in mind:

Eligibility for Inspire Sleep for Sleep Apnea

This treatment works for a specific group of patients
suffering from moderate to severe OSA. If your apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) ranges between 15 and 65, it might be
just for you. But remember to check with a sleep specialist, as they can tell if you’re the right fit.

Insurance Coverage

Most leading U.S. insurance companies, including Medicare,
cover you on the Inspire device. However, cross-checking deductibles, copays, and maximum out-of-pocket costs
can help avoid surprises.

Long-Term Commitment

Don’t forget that Inspire Sleep
requires going under surgery and regular check-ins with your
healthcare professional. It demands complete commitment, and not everyone with sleep apnea qualifies for this
type of treatment.

Benefits of Inspire Sleep Therapy

Inspire Sleep Therapy is changing the landscape of treating
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), known for causing breathing disruptions while you sleep. Unlike traditional CPAP
therapy with all its bulky equipment – machine, hose, and mask – Inspire Sleep is a clean-cut solution that
works with just one click.

Let’s dive in and see what this device brings to the table
in terms of benefits:

Minimally Invasive Outpatient Procedure

With Inspire Sleep Therapy, getting things operational
involves slipping in a tiny device via an uncomplicated outpatient procedure. That means no hospital stays are
required – making it pretty convenient for patients who can return to their regular routines post-op.

Elimination of Cumbersome CPAP Apparatus

One of the main selling points of Inspire Sleep Therapy?
Circumventing the need for any kind of CPAP machine: machine, hose, or mask. By eliminating these additional
components, your comfort levels get a serious boost while you sleep and pave the way for more restful

Facilitation of Normal Breathing

For people who haven’t found relief through CPAP, Inspire
Sleep offers a ray of hope by carrying out the role of the nerve that governs the tongue’s movements. A little
push forward stops it from blocking the air entrance—setting up a routine breath cycle while you sleep and
making space for better sleeping sessions.

Enhanced Daytime Alertness and Productivity

With Inspire Sleep therapy, you can curtail those energy
dips during the day caused by fatigue, as it sparks remarkable boosts in alertness and overall daily function.
This energy jolt could considerably improve your life quality as you breeze through daily tasks more

Drastic Reduction in Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI)

Studies have spotlighted how Inspire therapy reduces AHI by
a jaw-dropping 79%. The AHI gauge measures ‘apneas’ and ‘hypopneas’ instances every hour when you sleep; hence,
lower scores mean enhanced sleep quality. With Inspire therapy onboard, users are promised noteworthy
enhancements in their sleep health.

Diminished Snoring for Enhanced Sleep Environment

The noisy performance your OSA puts on every night is
significantly dialed down with Inspire therapy, benefiting the person under treatment and their sleeping
partners! This dip promotes an unruffled environment that offers a good night’s sleep for everyone

Personalized Stimulation Tailored to Individual Needs

One standout attribute of Inspire therapy is its ability to
monitor every breath you inhale as you sleep, furnishing gentle stimulation that’s locked in sync with your
specific breathing rhythms. This tailored approach guarantees that the treatment bends according to your
particular needs, heightening its efficiency while fostering a harmonious sleep cycle.


Unleashing a revolutionary wave in the medical field for
people grappling with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), Inspire Sleep Therapy offers hope where
other treatments have not delivered. This cutting-edge solution boasts an array of advantages, including
heightened quality of sleep, diminished lethargy during daytime, and a more pleasant and straightforward
alternative over conventional CPAP therapy or sleep medicine.

If Inspire Sleep therapy has piqued your interest regarding
how it could elevate your sleep and life quality, it may be worth considering booking an appointment at Gwinnett Sleep Renowned for their expertise in treating
sleeping disorders within the local region of Gwinnett, these seasoned experts can join hands to guide you
through each phase, from preliminary evaluation until post-implant care.


Whether you’ve been dealing with sleep disturbances for years or recently began experiencing troubling symptoms, the sleep disorder called exploding head syndrome (EHS) can be extremely frightening and disruptive. While the cause is still largely unknown, and little medical research has been conducted on it, current theories offer some insight into what may trigger EHS episodes – find out more here.

What is exploding head syndrome?

Exploding head syndrome was initially described in 1876; however, it was not officially classified as a sleep disorder until 2005. EHS is considered parasomnia, a disruptive type of sleep disorder in the same category as sleepwalking and sleep terrors. 

While it may sound like the title of a sci-fi movie, exploding head syndrome is an actual medical condition that causes loud noises in your head when falling asleep or waking up. These noises range from scary imaginary explosions to claps, bangs, roars, screeches, gunfire sounds, and more. Even if this phenomenon isn’t as widely discussed as other sleep conditions, such as narcolepsy or insomnia, many people suffer from it but don’t know its name. 

Experts say, “These events occur during the wake-sleep/sleep-wake transition period and generally last less than a second. Events are often accompanied by flashes of light and patient distress, but there is no significant associated pain.

While it sounds painful, it’s good to understand that other than disturbing sleep and perhaps causing emotional distress, the jarring noises aren’t real and do not cause physical harm to the person experiencing them or anyone nearby. 

Thankfully, the prevalence of EHS is relatively low. About 10 percent of people may experience this at least once in their lifetime. However, some encounter the symptoms sporadically.

Symptoms of exploding head syndrome

While there aren’t many symptoms, the ones that occur can be frightening and confusing, especially when experiencing them for the first time. 

To become diagnosed with exploding head syndrome, someone must meet all of the following criteria, according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders

  1. Complaints of loud noises or sensations that mimic the effects of an explosion in the head during transition periods between sleep and wakefulness.
  1. Feelings of intense arousal, and possibly fright, following these episodes.
  1. No significant physical pain during or following the episodes.

Others may encounter flashes of light and twitching muscles. Overall, the experience only lasts about one second, although people might feel like it was longer. Although there are hypothesized causes, there is no single known cause for this sleep disorder. 

Can exploding head syndrome occur while awake?

Simply put, no, exploding head syndrome does not occur while awake. Because these episodes happen during the transition between sleeping and waking, to many, it seems as if they experience EHS while awake. The symptoms of the sleep disorder are what rouse people to wake up, often startled and confused. 


If you’ve ever woken up to a loud noise that seems to be coming from inside your head, you may have experienced exploding head syndrome. Although it can be frightening, especially if you’ve never experienced it before, exploding head syndrome is not harmful. If you’re experiencing sleep problems or disorders, contact the caring team at Gwinnett Sleep to help. They will work with you to find a solution so you can get the restful night’s sleep you deserve.

Do you experience loud explosions in your head just as you are fading off to sleep? Are these episodes accompanied by flashes of light and intense fear? If yes, then you may have exploding head syndrome (EHS). While researchers hypothesize why this strange sleep disorder occurs, there is no simple explanation as to why about 10% of the population experience it at one point in their lives. This unexplained phenomenon can be highly distressing for those affected. But the good news is that there are steps you can take to help stop EHS from occurring and get some much-needed restful sleep. 

How to know if you have exploding head syndrome

Exploding head syndrome is a type of sleep disorder that occurs suddenly, either when you are beginning to fall asleep or when you wake up in the middle of the night. This sleep disorder is characterized by hearing a loud noise or crashing sound in your head, which is not authentic or heard by anyone else. Along with the sound, EHS can also cause the patient to see flashes of light and experience muscle spasms. Unlike the name suggests, these episodes are not painful.

According to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, the following criteria are symptoms someone must experience to be diagnosed with exploding head syndrome. 

  1. Complaints of loud noises or sensations that mimic the effects of an explosion in the head during transition periods between sleep and wakefulness.
  2. Feelings of intense arousal, and possibly fright, following these episodes.
  3. No significant physical pain during or following the episodes.

Fortunately, the entire episode only lasts one to two seconds, even though it can seem long to those who encounter them. 

If you think you may have exploding head syndrome, please seek a diagnosis with a licensed sleep specialist; do not simply assume this is what you are experiencing. Other medical conditions have these same symptoms. 

Available treatments for exploding head syndrome

As stated previously, a direct cause has not yet been connected to exploding head syndrome; however, there are a few theories researchers believe may be true, such as: 

  • A temporary increase in the activity of your brain’s sensory neurons
  • Damage or dysfunction in your inner ear structures
  • Abnormal attention processing in your brain during the sleep-wake transition
  • An aura that occurs before a migraine
  • Side effects from suddenly stopping selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 

While the FDA has officially approved nothing, some sleep specialists prescribe a few different medications known to treat the symptoms of EHS. These are topiramate, nifedipine, amitriptyline, and clomipramine, which are all used to treat other conditions. 

ConclusionAs an alternative or in addition to medication, people with EHS can do some things at home to help stop the disorder. Practice de-stressing techniques such as yoga, meditation, baths, or reading before bed. Keeping good sleep habits may also help reduce or stop the symptoms.

Ultimately, speaking to a sleep specialist before attempting any at-home remedy is wise. Be 100% sure EHS is what is going on and not something else more dire.  


Exploding head syndrome may not have one specific cause, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any possible treatments to try to stop it from happening. If you regularly experience EHS or have only had it a few times and are worried, the best option is to consult a sleep specialist who can help you create a treatment plan. At Gwinnett Sleep, our specialists are dedicated to helping our patients get the rest they need and deserve. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you treat your sleep disorder.